On behalf of the Board of Directors, Parents Teachers Association – (PTA), Administration, Staff and students of Wing Sky Senior High School – WINGSEC, I warmly welcome you into our Midst.
One should be Objective, Focused and Disciplined as this
journey requires. Your OBJECTIVE should be geared towards
academic excellence as you stay FOCUSED and DISCIPLINED
to such as this school is reputed for. In order to be successful
in this journey, I wish to encourage you all to take advantage
of the available resources of the school and work hard and
distinguish yourself in your chosen academic field.
My staff and I are committed to the provision of an excellent
education for you. Our aim is to enable each and everyone to
achieve his/her potential, whilst providing you with personal
skills which will prepare you for life and work in the real
world. As such, the opportunities the school offers are vast
and ever expanding.
I have very high aspirations for WINGSEC, staff and students.
I am committed to raising the standard of teaching and
learning hence the need to continually evaluate our
advancement to ensure progression in this field. I have
equally high expectations of my students in terms of
behaviour, effort and willingness to take an active role in school life. I believe that the provision of good education
relies on the development of a strong three-way partnership;
the school, the students and their parents/guardians.
It is our hope that students will take their stay here seriously
so that completing your education from this school will
certainly be a memorable milestone. You therefore need to
fasten up your shoe laces and buckle up your belts for the
journey ahead, because the best part of your life is awaiting
Congratulations to your admission to WINGSEC.
Welcome to WINGSEC!
To provide an enabling environment for the provision of Quality Education for preparing the students to become useful citizens in the future.
This will be attained through improvement of infrastructure, provision of teaching and learning materials, the creation of a conducive environment for teaching, learning, and motivation of teachers and students.
In God We Trust.
WINGSKY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – WINGSEC has a strong mission and vision, and all who are associated with it must be determined and committed to the strong values that move us to our destination. School regulations must therefore be followed.
All Fees must be paid into the school's Bank Account on or before the reopening of school. If parents or guardians fail to comply, school authorities may disallow the student from attending school.
ACCOUNT NAME: Wingsky Senior High School
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 07010001000074
BRANCH: Kintampo
A term (3 months) notice must be given before a student is withdrawn from the school. Failure to do so will attract a penalty amounting to the fees for the term.
Qualified staff members serve as guidance and counselors for both staff and students. There are also Peer Counsellors—students who volunteer to learn from the Guidance and Counselling Department to improve themselves and assist other students.
Our Physical Education Department (PE) is strong. The school has produced and will continue to produce talented sportsmen and women.
General offences and their recommended punishments:
Flouting Authority: 1st Offence - Counselling/Canning/Manual Work. 2nd Offence - External Suspension for 3 Weeks. 3rd Offence - Dismissal.
Absence from school: Any student who absents him/herself for ten days in a semester without a written explanation shall be withdrawn.
Attendance for school gathering: Compulsory. Offenders will be assigned manual work.
Cutting Classes or Loitering: No student should be found loitering during class hours. Offenders will do manual work; persistent offenders face suspension or withdrawal.
Unruly Behaviour: Includes disturbing classes or official functions. Punishment: Counselling/Canning/Manual Work.
Improper Behaviour Outside School: Serious offences such as drinking, fighting, and misbehaviour will result in counselling/suspension.
Anonymous Letters / Giving False Information: 1st Offence - Manual work for 2 weeks. 2nd Offence - Suspension for 2 Weeks.
Deliberate Distortion of Facts: Offender - Dismissal.
Incitement to Riot / Rioting: Ring leaders will be dismissed, and damages paid by parents/guardians.
Disrespect to school prefects: Internal suspension with manual work for two weeks.
Breaking Bounds: Leaving school without permission. 1st Offence - Warning. 2nd Offence - Suspension. 3rd Offence - Withdrawal.
Examination Misconduct: 1st Offence - Warning or cancellation of paper. 2nd Offence - Suspension. 3rd Offence - Withdrawal.
Failure to Write Exams: Persistent cases will result in withdrawal.
Improper Dressing: Specific dress codes apply; failure to comply results in warnings and punishments.
Sexual Offences: Serious cases such as rape or homosexuality result in counselling and possible withdrawal or dismissal.
Prefects: Should not abuse their authority. Punishments should be minimal.
Wishing you all the best in your stay at WINGSEC. Thank You.